1944 Born in Varna (Bulgaria)
1972 Graduates from the Academy of Fine Arts in Sofia (Bulgaria).
Lives and works in Vienna (Austria) since 1991.
Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Finland, Germany, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Norway, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, United States of America.
Print Biennale, Varna (Bulgaria); Europ Art, Geneva (Switzerland); International Print Triennale, Chamallières (France); Biennale des artistes jurassiens, Delemont (Switzerland); Print Biennale, Ljubljana (Slovenia); Salon d'automne, Paris...
1944 Born in Varna (Bulgaria)
1972 Graduates from the Academy of Fine Arts in Sofia (Bulgaria).
Lives and works in Vienna (Austria) since 1991.
Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Finland, Germany, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Norway, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, United States of America.
Print Biennale, Varna (Bulgaria); Europ Art, Geneva (Switzerland); International Print Triennale, Chamallières (France); Biennale des artistes jurassiens, Delemont (Switzerland); Print Biennale, Ljubljana (Slovenia); Salon d'automne, Paris (France); Print Biennale, Fredrikstad (Norway); Print Biennale, Cracow (Poland); International Print Exhibition, Biella (Italy); Art Expo, New York (USA); Salon du dessin et de la peinture à l'eau, Paris (France); Print Biennale, Sao Paulo (Brazil); Biennale, Brno (Czech Republic); Biennale, Bratislava (Slovakia)
2009 The title Professor (Austria)
1991 Gottfried von Herder Prize for his complete works, University of Vienna (Austria)
1991 Price at the 2nd Print Triennale, Chamallières (France)
1985 Grand Prix for Bulgarian Participants at the 3rd Print Biennale, Varna (Bulgaria)
1984 Price at Art Expo, New York (USA), granted by the foundation Bilan de l'art contemporain.
1983 The 'Iliya Petrov' Grand Prix for Mural Painting awarded by the Union of Bulgarian Artists, Sofia (Bulgaria)
1982 Silver Medal at the International Exhibition in Leipzig (Germany)
1976 Grand Prix of the Biennale, Brno (Czech Republic)
Has been awarded many other national prizes for print and drawing.
Museum of Graphic Art Albertina, Vienna
Vienna Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Vienna
Artothek, Vienna
NÖ Landesmuseum, St. Pölten
The National Art Gallery, Sofia
Municipal Museum of Art, Varna
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Fonds national d'art contemporain, Paris
Art Dialogue Foundation, Paris
Museum of Art Villa Merkel, Esslingen
Museum of Graphic Art of the Schreiner Foundation, Bad Steben
Museum of Art,Wendlingen
Pushkin Museum of Art, Moscow
The Library of Congress, Washington DC
New York Public Library
Princeton University
Yale University
Florida State University (Strozier Library)
Florida Atlantic University (Jaffe Collection)
Middlebury College (Starr Library)