Lachezar Oshavkov
Lachezar Oshavkov

Latchezar OCHAVKOV is  a French painter.He was born on the 30th September 1940 in Vidin, Bulgaria. He graduated from Art school in Sofia and the Sorbonne (EHESS – Sociology of Arts) in Paris. Since 1973, his work has been exhibited at the gallery “Etienne de Causans” (25, rue de Seine, Paris). His figurative paintings are also displayed in museums and private collections around Europe, USA, Japan and Morocco.

The major theme of his paintings is the Human being and the main features of his art are a deep humanism and acute critical observation of the world that surrounds us, as well as a perfect painting technique, worthy of the ancient masters.


Latchezar OCHAVKOV is  a French painter.He was born on the 30th September 1940 in Vidin, Bulgaria. He graduated from Art school in Sofia and the Sorbonne (EHESS – Sociology of Arts) in Paris. Since 1973, his work has been exhibited at the gallery “Etienne de Causans” (25, rue de Seine, Paris). His figurative paintings are also displayed in museums and private collections around Europe, USA, Japan and Morocco.

The major theme of his paintings is the Human being and the main features of his art are a deep humanism and acute critical observation of the world that surrounds us, as well as a perfect painting technique, worthy of the ancient masters.

All this contributes to give a special place to the work of Ochavkov in contemporary art.  Ha holds numerous French and international awards and works in his workshop of the National Foundation for Graphic and Plastic Arts, in Paris.

Exhibitions :

1973, 1974 (with Soung & Varbanov) and 1975 -  Etienne de Causans Gallery, PARIS.

1980 – Wally Findlay Gallery’s, LOS ANGELES ; 1992, 1993 and 1994 – Lehalle Gallery, PARIS;

1975 – Tempera Gallery, BRUXELLES; between 1995 and 2010 – Kavalet Gallery, VARNA;

1997 – Ministry of Finance (price Picasso), PARIS ; 2000 – Salomon de Rothschild House, PARIS;

2002 – Castang Gallery, PERPIGNAN;  2005 – Bulgarian Cultural Centre (with Georges Tchapp), PARIS;

2006 – French Cultural Centre, SOFIA; 2009 – Classica Gallery, SOFIA;  2012 – Arte Gallery, SOFIA;

2012 and 2016 – Etienne de Causans Gallery, PARIS  ;  2014 – Carré des Coignards Gallery (with Lekarski), NOGENT-sur-MARNE;

2015 (private exibition) and 2018 (whth Lekarski & Manev) – Bulgarian Cultural Centre, PARIS.

Salons and exhibition show :

1969 – Saint Cyrille (icon’s), UNESCO, PARIS; 1969 – International show in the book (price of illustration) SOFIA; 1979 – “les Grands et Jeunes d’Aujourd’hui”, PARIS; 1980 – “Artistes Indépendants”, PARIS  ;  1981 - Youngs frenchs Artistes (silver medal) QUEBEQUE;  1982 – Art Expo, NEW YORK;  1983 – French Painters (gold medal), DALLAS; 1983 – Biennial International Show of Arts Graphic, VARNA;  1984 – “Autour de Salvador Dalli”, Vaux-le-Pénil House, MELUN;  1985 – Bulgarian foreign countries Artists, SOFIA;  1990 and 2012 – Salon d’Automne, PARIS;  2003 – Salon Artistique, (price “palette d’or”), ISLE-ADAM;  2010 – International  Art Show, LILLE;  2013 – Salon des Artistes français, PARIS; 2014 – Asia Art Expo, BEIJING;  between 2014 and 2018 – Salon Comparaisons PARIS.

Bibliogfapher :

“OTECHESTVO” n° 13-14, 1976, p. 62,   Sofia; “L’OEIL” n° 321,1982,  p. 2,   Paris; “THE LION en français” n° 332 pp. 30-31, 1983, Paris  ;  «  LA COTE DES ANTIQUITES  » n° 6, 1988, p. 94  , Paris ;    «MARRAKECH   JARDINS ET DEMEURS SECRET»  ed. ARC  , 1990, pp. 252-256, Paris  ; «LE   COURRRIER DES GALERIES » n° 52, 1992, p. 4,  Paris  ;  «LA GAZETTE DE L’HOTEL DROUOT » n° 2, 1996, Paris  ; «  ARTISTES DES ATELIERS DE LA FONDATION NATIONALE D’ARTS GRAPHIQUES ET PLASTIQUES  » ed  . FNAGP, 2000, Paris  ; « LE FIL D’ARGENT » ed. La Maison des Artistes, 2002,   pp. 1-3, Nogent-sur-Marne  ; « YACHTS ITALIA » n°special (12) 2006, pp. 200-206, Milano; « VEZNI » n° 7 , 2008, pp. 4-7, 130-136, Sofia ; «  ZNATSI  », n° 3, 2009,  Varna  ; «  SAVREMENNIK  » n° 3, 2009, Sofia  ; «LATCHEZAR OCHAVKOV» monograph, 144 pages, ed. Varosha 2015, Paris; «PRESENCE  ABCENCE  » - documentary, Bulgarian TV, 1993, director Nicolas Kovachev; “SELF-PORTRAIT FROM THE BACK" – documentary,  Studio Arte, director Diana Dinolova.

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